The Jesus Bible Study Series

The purpose of The Jesus Bible Study Series is to help readers understand that Jesus is front and center throughout the Bible.


The Story of How All Things Were Created by God and for God.

The purpose of The Jesus Bible Study Series is to help readers understand that Jesus is front and center throughout the Bible. He is as visible on the first page of Genesis as He is on the last page in Revelation—as present in the Garden of Eden as He is in the garden tomb and the new heavens and new earth. As readers follow this thread, they will discover a new depth to the Bible's meaning as they come to discover Christ in every chapter of the story.

In Beginnings, the first study in this series, readers will explore how their story begins with a creating God who made them in his image. They will see how the triune God worked through the Son to bring about the creation of everything. "For in him [Jesus] all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him" (Colossians 1:16). As they go through this study, they will begin to also see their place and purpose in this great story.


God's Perfect Plan to Rescue Imperfect People

You have a story. It’s yours. Unique and different from anyone else’s. But in every story, there comes a moment when something goes wrong. The model marriage starts to unravel. The dream vacation hits a snag. The treasured possession is stolen. This tension drives the story. Everything that follows seeks to fix the problem and put things back together in a way that is beautiful, whole, and right.

The story of the Bible is no different. The opening chapters of Genesis reveal God’s perfect creation and the people he created to reflect his image in the world. But it isn’t long before tension emerges. The man and woman revolt. They rebel against God, reject His authority, and bring sin into the world. Everything that follows is God’s plan to put what’s been broken back together and restore humanity.

Revolt, the second study in The Jesus Bible Study Series, will help you grasp the depth of human sin so you can begin to make sense of your own struggles and the reality of a fallen world in which we live. Most importantly, you will see that God is not content to just allow you to exist in this desperate state. From the very beginning, He’s always had a plan to redeem you and restore His relationship with you.


The Story of God’s Promise

When God’s people break their word, God keeps his promise. Not only is your story woven into God's larger story, but you are also part of the tribe whom God is calling to Himself.

In the six lessons of People, you will explore how the nation of Israel was impacted by the unfolding drama of their cycle of revolt against God, and why the Lord commissioned a chosen people who would be a witness on earth of His faithfulness. Time and time again, God's people turned their backs on Him, but God was always quick to show mercy when they repented and called out to Him. The cycle we see again and again throughout the Old Testament isn't just about the Israelites; it's also about us. We are all participants in the pattern of revolt, repentance, and restoration.

People will help you see how God works out His glorious plans, despite our defiance, to bring his promises to fruition, and you will also grasp that no matter how many times you turn away, God seeks you out to bring you back. Every time.


The Story of God’s Rescue Plan

In a world of bad news, the story of Jesus, our Savior, is incredibly good news. The apostle Paul tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s holy standard. The consequences of our sin and rebellion is death. But God, in his great mercy, sent Jesus into the world to pay the penalty for our transgressions. Jesus, who is God-in-the-flesh, was the only sinless person to have ever lived. He was able to do what we could not do and make a way for us to come before God.

In the six lessons of Savior, you will explore how Jesus—being fully human but also fully divine—was able to offer Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. You will learn about Jesus’ mission for humanity, the kingdom of God He ushered in, and how He made a way for all who believe in Him to be saved. Savior will help you see that even though God may feel distant at times, He is always working for your good and His glory. God has always been faithful to His people—and He always will be.


The Story of Jesus on Display to the World

While churches come in all shapes and sizes, the true Church of Jesus is comprised of all who have confessed him as Savior and Lord. This living organism—his body, the Church—serves to extend his grace and truth on earth.

In Church, the fifth study in this series, readers will explore how God brought together a new group of people who have been redeemed by Jesus and have been formed to live on mission with him. While churches come in all shapes and sizes, the true Church of Jesus is comprised of all who have confessed Him as Savior and Lord. This living organism—His body, the Church—serves to extend His grace and truth on earth.


The Story of God Making All Things Right

You have a story. Your story had a beginning . . . a time and day when you were born in a particular place. And your story will have an end . . . a time and day when your life on earth will be over. This is true of every person who has ever lived. However, for followers of Jesus, the story doesn’t end there. God has revealed throughout Scripture that the end of our lives your life on earth is actually the beginning of a new life that will continue on forever.

In Forever, readers will come to the conclusion and resolution of God's great story. At a time that only the Father knows, everything in heaven and earth will be put right once and for all. Those opposed to Jesus will get what they have asked for—an eternity without His goodness and glory. The redeemed will gather in his presence from every race and nation, singing the song of Jesus who rescued them from death and brought them into unending life.

The Series

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The story of how all things were created by God and for God.
Available Now


The story of God’s pursuit of imperfect people.
Available Now


The story of God’s promise.
Available Now


The story of God’s rescue plan.
Available Now


The story of Jesus on display to the world.
Available Now


The story of God making all things right.